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Messages - Swedekeeles

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Please forgive me for having fun with the wording!!!  My Bad!  Feeling a little too jovial!

They do appear as tourist or decorative items from the pictures posted. 

The bottom line you like them!  That is where the true value in a piece is.

And would need better close ups to determine if there is more monetary worth to the items!

Hehe, no problems! I know my english isnt what it used to be! ill try to upload more pics allthough i dont know how :P

Rauville is right !! Excuse our poor manners and welcome to the group !! Haven`t been to the intro forum yet !!
As to the knives,, the blade on the top one is very poorly made and doesn`t look like it has ever had an edge. Haven`t enlarged the others yet but I think these may be tourist items intended as souveniers or shipped here to be sold in import shops !!  Do they have anything written on the blade or anywhere ??
Thank you for the warm welcome! Nothing is written on them as far as i can se other than the markings, ill try to get better closeups.

I Bought these knives at a antique shop they look pretty real
and i have no idea if they are worth anything.. Anyone have a hint ??  :-X
i,m buy them...then ask us if they are worth time ask first before spending anymore of your $$

I only bought them for like 30$ so they are not expensive, and i mostly bought them because i like them, but always nice to know if they're worth anything :)

Real ??  You mean are they knives,, that's what I am pretty sure they are !!  (Joke)  Just kidding !!
The first one  with the X in the blade are those little dots slotted screws I see ??

Hello, sorry for my bad english.. i meant they don't look "Fake" or whatever its called,
the dots are not screws just decorative "holes" and forgot to mention the handle is made of ivory.

I bought both these knives at a antique shop for like 30$ and i have no idea if they are worth anything,
The handle on the bigger knife (older looking one) is made of ivory, and there are no text or anything..
Anyone have a hint ??  :-X

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