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Messages - zimba179

Pages: [1]
That's the kicker, nothing on the inside or bottom. None of the parts look new, but no identifiers.

Antique Questions Forum / Acorn Oak vintage(maybe) gumball machine
« on: July 17, 2013, 04:25:01 pm »
Good afternoon everyone, I'm quite excited to have found a forum especially for antiques! I've had quite a time trying to find a mature, knowledgable group. Well, I recently received an older gumball machine, and having an extremely difficult time figuring out any detailed information on it. After about a week of serious digging all I know is it's possibly an Oak transition model, Vista by the four sides. I cannot find a reliable site to figure out a possible build date, or if it's worth keeping or actually use it as a candy machine. Any info is much appreciated.

By the way, my knowledge lies in railroad equipment and memorabilia.

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