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Messages - ecoffey0310

Pages: [1]
Thank you for your response fancypants!

Anyone else have any input?

Here is the inside of the bowl, not very attractive, heheh

Please see my other post, there are more pics. I had uploading issues and I am sorry about the double posts!

Here is mark, sorry uploading troubles:

Here are some pics...

I found this piece at a local thrift store today and can't seem to figure out exactly when and by whom it was made or whether or not it is actually an antique. I found this photo:

Unfortunatly the website I found the photo on does not seem to know anything about this marking either! Any advice, sources, or input would be very much appreciated!! Thanks.

I found this piece at a local thrift store today and can't seem to figure out exactly when and by whom it was made or whether or not it is actually an antique. I found this photo:

Unfortunatly the website I found the photo on does not seem to know anything about this marking either! Any advice, sources, or input would be very much appreciated!! Thanks.

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