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Messages - Jellytip

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: 9 Chinese Ceramic Men
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:19:13 pm »
Sorry, am not sure if you are saying these are new or 20th c? I'm 99% certain these were purchased during WW2, and 100% certain we had them from the 60's on. Definitely not new new.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: 9 Chinese Ceramic Men
« on: April 27, 2014, 03:37:39 pm »
Here is another terrible photo, of one of the bases, they are all the same, no markings at all, but quite bright white inside.

Someone on another forum said : "They are 20th c Famille Rose figures, very nice quality. Not real valuable because of they are not real old." Does that sound correct to you?

Most of them are decorated with peaches, and there are scrolls and a crane, so I think it's definitely Shou Lao. Do you know why there would be 9?

Thanks :)

Antique Questions Forum / 9 Chinese Ceramic Men
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:49:44 pm »
The title lies, I have no idea if they are Chinese. There are 9 of them though, they apparently came back from Japan before the war, I only say Chinese because he brought back quite a bit from China. They are varying heights but fairly similar, just shorter than my coffee cup. Major apologies for the terrible photos, I can't find anywhere to get the lighting right.

They are all very very glossy, with the exception being the skin, very matte, almost rough. There are no markings of course. I am fairly certain the blue and purple one is Sau, but can't find anything on nine wise men, only three.

The link goes to an album of 8 photos, including the front and back of 3 I've randomly picked out. If anyone knows anything about them, please let me know!! :)


I'm thinking its come from one of my grandmothers, which doesn't tell me much as they collected things from all around the world. I'm in New Zealand but it could have come from anywhere. Hope those photos are good! :)

I've been looking online for years off and on, haven't been able to find it. I'm sure there is someone who will know it instantly.

(Am on an ipad and can't work out how to directly upload the photo, but the link is fine to follow.)

over here these would fly off the shelf.....a friend of mine recently paid,£1,900....for a pair of 10 x 50 Swarovski,bino,s....and, that was with a 30% discount for cash....

Ugh, slightly frustrating as these are all the families so am unable to sell, but have just been informed the painting in my hallway is a Chang Dai-chien, so I may get to make a sale after all!!

You might want to try listing them on the UK ebay site.......they must be well loved over there!!

Sold in May this year with 35 bids.........for 265 pounds!  ($412 US)

Haven't had a chance to check up on their age yet  ;)

No no no, I'm not interested in selling anything we have, just like finding out as much about them as possible!

I pulled these out of the wooden box from yesterday, I assume they belong to the same man! You've all been really helpful so I thought to ask here!

Swarovski-Optik Tirol

Habicht 10x40 136473

Made in Austria

This was taken through the lense with my cell phone, better quality than our new binoculars!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 25, 2013, 03:12:44 pm »
It's the right way around, I swear!! I think I may have found who originally had the box, he came here from the UK sometime between 1851-67. He is listed as a dentist and sailor.  I'll get on the phone with my Grandmother soon and see if I can get more details out of her :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:06:10 pm »
Can you imagine trying to haul this thing with a horse and wagon ?? Especially with that stand its on !!  And that oval hole ??  What country is this from ?? Your location ??

I'm in New Zealand, the dentist emigrated here from Europe in the 2nd half of 19thc. We dont know where the stand came from. You guys now know all the details I do, does anyone know anyone who is an expert in whatever this may be?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:08:44 am »

I've had an idea as to why it wasn't hinged, but I'm not sure about the strength of the argument, so best leave it where it is!

I do love a good theory, feel free to share!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 25, 2013, 02:44:50 am »
I've just asked for more details, all I could get was that he took his dental practice around on a horse and cart, and the current location of the bowl that sat in the lid is unknown.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:38:25 am »
I guess so too, the family refers to it as the spittoon and have not seen an insert. I'd just love to see another one even slightly similar!

Antique Questions Forum / Old wooden dentists spittoon.
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:23:35 pm »
This was a family members possibly in the second half of the 19th c. He was a dentist/entrepreneur/traveller and we have so many amazing things left from him. We were told this was his spittoon at work, and that the stand was added at an unknown date. I would love to know what parts were added when, if we have the age right, and if it actually a spittoon as I cannot find anything like it!

Some of the photos have unfortunately distorted, but it stands about 80cm high and the lid is about 40cm across.

All four sides are the same

The circle on the lid appears to have been cut completely out, but is stuck back in place now.

The floor of the inside isn't attached.

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