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Messages - veronicathecow

Pages: [1]
Hi mariok54 thanks for pics and suggestions.
Anyone have an idea of a date for this?

Ah the good old days!
One banana, two banana, three banana, four
Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.
Over hill and highway the banana buggies go
Comin'on to bring you the Banana Splits show

Hi Bigwull, yes that does make sense. There are a couple of other things items I am not sure of, will have to dig them out some time
Thanks again
Tony (boing)

Boing said Tony. UK based so crashed out late last night (late for me, I'm an early bird normally)
I wondered if it was a tea lights tray warming stuff but it looked older than tea lights? (anyone know when tea light were first used.)
the pattern on the "2" is one thing but I'm not sure how you might describe the main pattern other than "floral"??
Thanks to all for your kind suggestions

Hi Mart and Bigwull, rats I was hoping someone would just be able to say "Why thats an XYZ from the something or other period"
Stilll it's an interesting piece, many thanks for your inputs.
Oh well Time for bed said Zebedee

I wonder if the symbols have been added afterwards by someone?
Just found from wikipedia that
"As a reversed S, Ƨ was also used as a fractional Roman numeral, where it stood for the fraction 1/72."

Hi bigwull, yes it is odd what with the symbols being placed with what appears to be a random orientation.

Hi Mart thanks for reply, yes it does look hand made. A "2" was the best way I could think of describing it the symbol.

Hi bigwull thanks for reply. Yes I did wonder about Persian /Islamic (didn't think of a tea tray though, thanks for that). The trouble is I cannot seem to match the designs to anything of that type.

Hi mariok54, thanks for that tip. I can see your point, had a quick google and there are some trays with 6 depressions in them but nothing with that "2" symbol

Hi Mart, wow that was fast, thanks for replying.
Nothing on the back that I can see.
I researched it for a while but I am rather out of my depth here.
Here's is the back picture.
Cheers Tony

Hi, I am new to the forum so please forgive any errors.
I have a small brass tray that I picked up from a car boot sale.
Size is approx 5" x 9" with four small round feet underneath that go through to the topside of the tray.
It has 6 shallow depressions approx 1.25"  in diameter with what looks like a number 2 written in them.
Does anyone have any idea of the age, meaning of the symbols or the purpose of the tray, value etc.
Many thanks for your time.

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