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Messages - auctionpunk

Pages: [1]
All this now at

This is a new site and will take many months to establish. However with some dedicated help from specialists like yourselves, i hope the reputation of this site will grow.

After many years of frustrated attempts with ebay, i gave up due to a lot of fraud and chargebacks with paypal.

Any suggestions with cattegory structure and anti fraud will be appreciated.

EBay Forum / Re: If I can't sell it on eBay where then?
« on: April 25, 2007, 08:08:26 am »
I was once a powerseller on ebay. Somebody made a bogus complaint, and ebay didnt even check the facts. Before i new it i was kicked off and had to go through a lot of hasstle to get my account back up again. Ebays fees eventually got to me and have now had a go at setting up my own auction site. Its still brand new but any feedback aboyt cattegories will be appreciate, NO listing fees and NO end of auction fees. It will be a lonk road but will be worth it in the end.

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