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Messages - veggieguy

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Picture frame age and info?
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:32:33 pm »
The thinnest part, the front piece that the decorations are applied to, is about 3/8" thick.

Thanks for your help!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Can you identify this antique?
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:21:33 am »
Here's somebody who agrees with the Danville answer:

This particular one sold on eBay for $30 in 2013

Antique Questions Forum / Picture frame age and info?
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:14:22 am »
Hello! I picked up a very interesting picture frame at auction last week. This was an impulsive buy because it was so eye-catching. It was sold as antique, which is easy to believe, but I haven't been able to back that up with my research. This is a new area for me, so I don't really know the traits to look for. I have included a few photos below. You can see more photos that I have posted on Dropbox:

It is 22" wide x 26" tall

Thanks for your thoughts!

Sorry, somehow was not subscribed to my own thread, so didn't get notified of responses.

It is 6" wide at the widest point.

One family member did suggest the tombstone possibility, but it's hard to say for sure.  The wear lines on the edges look like they would require repeated rubbing to produce, which doesn't seem to fit the tombstone theory. However, it doesn't really fit the plaque theory either.

My wife wondered if it was a cover for something, where it was repeatedly lifted to reveal something beneath. Seems like there would be some sort of fastener present if that was the case though.

It's quite a puzzle.

We picked this up at auction but have not been able to identify what exactly it is. A couple of career Navy folks in my family say that it's a representation of a Naval Good Conduct medal and that the eagle on top is the rank of an E-6 enlisted Sailor. They have never seen anything quite like this piece, though.

It's 8.75" tall and weighs about 4 lbs. The metal is not magnetic and may be bronze. As you can see in one of the pictures, it has a couple of odd raised areas along the edges which seem to show wear as if it were repeatedly rubbed against something.  It's almost like it was shaped to fit into another item, puzzle like, to hold it in place, yet was regularly removed.

Any military collectors here that might know what this is?


Antique Questions Forum / Re: What is this? A doorknob?
« on: April 18, 2014, 11:23:37 pm »
Thanks, I would never have come up with curtain tie on my own.  Too bad I have only one of them. Maybe I'll think of a use for it some day.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: What is this? A doorknob?
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:41:28 pm »
Oops, I meant to include measurements:

* Round portion is about 3" in diameter
* Shaft is about 3.5" long and 3/16" diameter

Antique Questions Forum / What is this? A doorknob?
« on: April 18, 2014, 04:41:24 pm »
Hi, got this interesting item as part of a box lot, but have no clue what it is.  It most closely resembles a doorknob, but ... is it really? The metal of the "knob" is not magnetic, but the threaded portion is.  I'm assuming the bend is not intentional.

Any ideas appreciated!

Thank you!

Interesting thought about the "loving cup". We do have a spooner with actual holders, but it didn't occur to me that the other could be a spooner as well. I'll give a second go to identifying the maker on that one.  Perhaps it will reveal some more details.

FYI, it's now for sale in our Etsy shop.  Hopefully it's okay to post store links in here:

Still have not found any more information about it, though.

Good point, I will keep at it. I do plan to sell it, but I may list it initially at a semi-high price, and let it percolate while I continue to research for awhile. If somebody is willing to buy it in the meantime, well, that'd be okay too.

Well, Replacements did not turn up any useful info. They are adding a page for the pattern to their site, with a few of my pictures, in the hopes that others may find it and chime in.  We shall see, but it won't be a quick process if it ever turns up anything.

Also, I did send info to Replacements, so I will post here if they turn up anything useful.

Well, leprechauns are Irish, so maybe it's filled with whiskey.  ;)

I followed mart's lead and started searching for engraved patterns by Meriden, and found much more than I had before.  As he said, mostly floral with a few birds, but nothing like this pattern yet.

Here's an 1886 catalog I found on Google Books:

If there are articles that seem relevant but won't load for you, feel free to post links here. I will gladly follow up on them. Possible they will load on a faster connection or from a different location.

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