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Messages - Snadeau

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: December 08, 2013, 06:55:06 pm »
I finally found Che's signature with the accent mark (thanks to a fellow researcher)!  Here it is...

Is this yours for $145?

Thank you so much for the link. No, the one for sale is not mine but now I'll make sure mine doesn't go to goodwill! I recently bought mine at an estate sale and thought it unusual, made in Germany and looked old. It kind of reminded me of the older Hummel figurines. The made in Germany is what had me curious...your link has helped a lot and is very much appreciated.

Antique Questions Forum / Rooster gravy (or creamer) dish made in Germany
« on: November 18, 2013, 05:39:04 pm »
Anyone recognize this piece? I found one on eBay for sale but I'd like to know the approximate time period it came from. If something is marked "Germany" does that mean before Germany became East/West Germany?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 18, 2013, 02:18:30 pm »
Oh my goodness...not that my goodness has much ado about all this...

One way of explaining the way in which I am using the expression 'chasing windmills' (mixed metaphor or not, used correctly or not) is...I have something right in front of me (the painting) but at the same time, it is just out of reach (since I can't find anything about the artist named che), hence I am constantly chasing che (but since it's a portrait of Don Quixote) I feel it is more appropriate to use the expression 'chasing windmills' (see the connection?) my case I am not chasing rainbows. The expression tilting at windmills is used in the story of Don Quixote as a way of saying Don Quixote was tilting/jousting (attacking) the windmills he thought were giant enemies. I, on the other hand, do not have visions of grandeur (Don Quixote did) nor am I attacking anything! I am simply chasing windmills! Right or wrong, proper or not, I don't much suits me just fine and conveys my quest!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:19:48 am »
Ok mart and bigwull...If Don Quixote had an old painting signed by an artist named che...he'd be chasing windmills too! Chasing windmills usually means chasing something that doesn't exist...kind of like chasing a ghost...kinda like chasing che!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 09:08:30 pm »
Thank you for the explanation. Salting doesn't sound very nice, respectable nor legal. But I can assure you, in the case of my painting and the one in North Carolina...there is no salting (or peppering for that matter) involved. The donkey painting was framed at a shop in Ft Lauderdale, FL in 1973 and the painting has never been taken out of the frame since it was framed. How did it end up at a Goodwill store in Atlanta? Too many ways to list and all perfectly understandable and believable. Especially since most people living on the east coast have been to Florida at least once in their lifetimes! Why did an artist from Marion, NC buy it? Don't people, artist included, buy other peoples artwork if they like it? The seller of the donkey painting and I have joined in the search to find out who Che the artist is. If I could track down those other people who had paintings signed by someone named che I might be able to solve the mystery. I'm attaching a photo of the donkey painting in case this painting looks familiar to anyone.

Perhaps I should change my handle to 'the woman who chases windmills'!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 06:03:05 pm »

Grazie per il tuo commento su mulini a vento, a volte penso che sto girando su uno in una giomata molto ventosa!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 04:54:41 pm »
In my search for signatures, I have not found any reference to Che Guevara's use of the accented e nor have I found a signature of his with the e accented. Do you have a reference I could use to confirm?

If the painting were not old, I might understand your logic/reasoning. I took my painting to several art galleries and one museum. All said the same I have a provenance on the piece? My response...what's a provenance? No one at the galleries or museum recognized the style or signature (none of them suggested Che Guevara) and were not able to help. Since I purchased it at a flea market and the owner of the flea market doesn't remember whose estate they purchased it from and they do not keep records of their purchases or what they sell that pretty much shuts that door pretty tight!

I still don't understand how you got from an art piece found in a thrift store to someone 'salting' (whatever that means) these two paintings! Also, there are the other pieces out there (going back to 2004-2009) that I have not been able to track down.

All I know is that I want to solve this mystery, if possible, before I spend $500. If it is a Che Guevara painting it would be worth my spending the $500 to have it restored professionally and correctly. However, if the artist is not recognized in the field of art, it isn't worth $500 to restore but because I like the painting it is worth restoring and framing myself and it becomes a family heirloom. In searching for the artist, I am keeping a journal of each and every search, question, response, advise, suggestions, etc. it will all be typed up and attached to the painting when it is framed. I have correspondence from Spain, Sweden, Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba. I have an autographed book by a poet/author who wrote about Che Guevara who knows his wife and children. She would only confirm that she too had heard he painted but she did not know of his paintings (if there are any or where they are).

My search continues...perhaps I am chasing windmills!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 01:31:48 pm »
Yes, all of the information I have discovered was found on the internet. It's what I've learned since starting this search. Prior to purchasing this painting, I did not know who Che Guevara was. I'd seen his face on t-shirts back in the late 60's but I was not a part of the 60's revolution, rather I was too busy with trying to make a living and support two kids! What attracted me to this particular painting was the fact that it's an original piece of artwork, it's old, it's definitely Don Quixote, it's rather well done and it only cost me $26.33. I'm attaching a photo of the receipt. Unfortunately the receipt doesn't have the name of the flea market but my daughter lives in Richmond, I could ask her to get the name for me...if it were needed.

After purchasing the painting, I started the search for who the artist is/was. Before I invest real money in getting it restored and framed I want to know if it is worth the estimate ($500) otherwise I'll try to stretch and frame it myself and hang in the foyer. My painting is not for sale. I am not attempting to determine the value of the painting, I'm only looking to find the artist or someone who has other paintings signed che and might know who che is. I'm not convinced the artist is Che Guevara but through all my research I've found no one else anywhere in the world (at least not on the internet) that painted and signed their name che.

I appreciate your input but I don't agree with your opinion on signatures...the three photos of Che Guevara's signature are all very different...and I have more. Also, if Che Guevara is the artist, painting was something he did for pleasure...he didn't paint for a living nor did he ever sell any artwork. Like I said before, I believe the signature on my painting is close enough with the exception of the accent mark on the e. If you are 'alluding' to the possibility that my painting could be a forgery by someone who is attempting to pass the artwork off as Che Guevara's work, why would the artist use the accent mark on the e when che didn't? Whoever painted my painting was an artist within his own right, signed his name che with an accent on the e and my painting is not the only painting this person did. I can now confirm there are two. Both on the east coast. One framed in FL, purchased in Atlanta and the other purchased in Richmond, VA. People in the US move around a lot, they die, their heirs inherit their possessions and dispose of their possessions. I can easily understand how these two paintings ended up in flea market/Goodwill stores in Richmond and Atlanta. Why one was purchased by an artist? Because she appreciates art, liked the painting, thought the artist might be Che Guevara and believes the painting might be very valuable. Not exactly the direction I'm going in but understandable and not unremarkable if you ask me.

At any rate, like I've said before I'm interested in finding anyone who might recognize the painting, the artists signature, or the artist who did it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 11:44:46 am »
Not so far fetched...the donkey painting you referred me to was purchased at a Goodwill store outside Atlanta, GA. Mine was purchased at a flea market in Richmond VA. There is another one out there somewhere because I found a question posted on a website about the value of a painting of Don Quixote on a horse signed che. There is another art forum where two (or three, I can't remember) people had paintings signed che and they were trying to find out who the artist che was (that was back in 2004-2009). No one responded. So it appears there are more che paintings out there and mine is just one of several. If Che's father had not stated that he (Che) was fond of painting, and if Che wasn't connected (through his own writing in letters to his family) to Don Quixote (not to mention it was his favorite book and was the first book printed in Cuba and given to the people free) I would scratch his name off the possibilities...but ....
As for are more and honestly, none of them are identical! So I'm not ready to give up based on signatures...also keeping in mind the difference between a penned signature and one made with a paint brush.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 17, 2013, 10:20:19 am »
Thank you for your link, I'll check it the plot thickens! I bought the piece in Richmond VA and the owner of the shop said they bought it from an estate sale but couldn't remember where or whose estate. I'm attaching a better photo of Che Guevara's signature from an official document rather than wiki-whatever! The signature on my painting and now the second painting are very close to Che Guevara's signature with the exception of the accent mark on the e. In the Spanish spelling, prior to 1961, the term che (when using it as a slang for friend, buddy) did have the e accented and the c was not capitalized as it was not a persons name. Che Guevara was given the nickname by Nico Lopez while in Mexico around 1954 (?). He officially added the term che to his legal name and started signing official documents che (not capitalized) with no accent on the e but always with an underscore under the h. I think what I need is to locate a photo of his artwork which I'm sure his family has but they will not confirm...I keep getting the "he was a revolutionary and revolutionaries do not have time to paint." I'll keep searching.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 16, 2013, 02:07:31 pm »
I tried that and I get a message that says I cannot delete my own messages in this forum (or something like that).

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 16, 2013, 09:05:37 am »
Sorry, but this is the post I want up as it contains more info. So how do I get rid of the other post?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 16, 2013, 08:32:53 am »
I's even more difficult to sign with a paint brush and have the signature be a perfect match!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Don Quixote painting signed che
« on: November 16, 2013, 08:29:55 am »
The photo of his shoulder shows the's che with an underscore mark under the h and an accent in the e.

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