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Messages - dondon1903

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: 'Meissen' Ginger Jar
« on: January 29, 2014, 07:55:55 am »
That could account for the crack in the lid !! Firing crack !! Makes the piece weaker, it eventually broke and was repaired by whoever had it !!  He said it was a pretty good repair and most of the firing cracks break pretty clean,, would be an easy fix !!

Look like it had been dropped. Lots of cracks ... Looked like some wee flakes had been stuck back in.. When we first looked at it we thought ... maybe the fact that they've went to the effort to fix it would suggest there is some value in it.. :-\

Thanks for the info folks. You really know yer stuff... :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: 'Meissen' Ginger Jar
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:54:54 am »
The smaller splodge is a little star. The other one can only be described as a line with something 'snaked' round it.... :)

Antique Questions Forum / 'Meissen' Ginger Jar
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:06:46 am »

We came across this at an auction (that's where the photos are from). We've been digging around a wee bit and found something very very similar that was sold on ebay.

The thing is, the one we are looking at was dated 1700-1731 by the auctioneer. It's also got a slightly strange marking on the bottom that looks vaguely Meissen but we cant find an exact match. By all accounts there are more than a few fakes out there. The one on ebay (Dresden Hand-painted Cobalt Porcelain Ginger Ja) is from 1900 and has no marking on the bottom.

By the way .... Our one is quite badly cracked on the lid. It's not too obvious by the photos but on the inside of the lid someone has clearly had an accident and done a half decent job of fixing it!

Here's the ebay one ...

The pics are our one..

It may be called a trunk on your side of the pond...but, over here its a Pine Kist....pine being the wood its made of...its also known as a blanket box....what it is, a steamer trunk....or a travelling trunk, or an elephant trunk....value up here on the east coast of Scotland...anything between £40/£100
It's a 'Kista' in Sweden.. (Meaning 'chest' I think and another word that traveled across the North Sea ... ). They are a very normal part of the furniture in the older houses here and even for a big painted solid one from the 1800s you might only pay £20-30. We've got about 5... ;)

£20/£30 you say for a big painted one from the 1800,s...well fill a container with them and send them to the US...cos they pay silly money for them...and by silly money..i mean...hundreds.... if not fo came from Scandinavia in the 14th century...originall y latin..cista..


Now there's an idea..... It's an expensive business shipping a container to the US though.

Some of them way a ton * empty... It's hard to imagine what they'd be like if they actually had anything in them. Blankets would be about it, and I dont mean tightly packed blankets!

* not a real ton..

It may be called a trunk on your side of the pond...but, over here its a Pine Kist....pine being the wood its made of...its also known as a blanket box....what it is, a steamer trunk....or a travelling trunk, or an elephant trunk....value up here on the east coast of Scotland...anything between £40/£100

It's a 'Kista' in Sweden.. (Meaning 'chest' I think and another word that traveled across the North Sea ... ). They are a very normal part of the furniture in the older houses here and even for a big painted solid one from the 1800s you might only pay £20-30. We've got about 5... ;)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Swedish Herbarium
« on: December 13, 2013, 03:45:00 am »
Thanks guys. I'll keep digging around... :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Swedish Herbarium
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:02:38 am »

I've tried to find similar things on the net. Vintage French and Swedish 'herbariums' seem to be reasonably well known (if you are a mover in the 'herbarium world' it seems ...  ;))..

There are quite a few individual pages of vintage herbaria from the same era for sale that have been framed by a seller, Julie Harris "").

Since I posted this I tried searching on his full name (rather than J Bjurzon, I searched Jonas Bjurzon ... silly me!) and it came up with some more details. It seems a book of his was re-published in february last year. The 'blurb' on Amazon describes him as culturally important.

I'm not sure if, in fact it could be unlikely that these are actually his works. However there is clearly some kind of link and date on the book of pressed plants ties in with when I guess he would have been active.

The other sheets of flowers were in the 1920s which of course is several years after his death.

Antique Questions Forum / Old Swedish Herbarium
« on: December 12, 2013, 03:33:05 am »
Hi There,

The Swedes love their 'old stuff' auctions and second hand shops (Loppis)!

We picked up a trailer load of .... what can only be described as 'miscellaneous things' from an auction near Oskarhamn.

Something in particular has interested us and I wonder if anyone has come across this sort of thing before. It was listed as a Herbarium. It's mainly a collection of around 100 (I havent counted them) pressed grasses/herbs/flowers in paper foleders. These are all dated and signed for around 1922.

Also in the same lot, there was a separate book of pressed plants titles, 'Svenska Fodervexta' (roughly translated means Swedish Forage Plants). This is appears to be dated 1851. It's a folder containing around 30-40 samples (an example is shown. It's the one without the separate label). The name on the cover is J Bjurzon (which appears to be different from the signature).

I've done a wee bit of googling on the name, J Bjurzon and got the following:-

"Bjurzon, Jonas (1810-1882), Swedish (Varmland) botanist, studied at the University of
Uppsala from 1838. (Bjurzon).

herbarium and types: See KR p. 87, no. 2: Svenska Fodervexter, exsiccatae of fodderplants,
2 fasc, each 35 plants on 23 leaves (fide KR), see Bot. Not. 1851: 221.

bibliography and biography: Barnhart 1: 193; BM 1: 168; KR p. 87 (b. 11 Jul 1810, d. 26
Jun 1882); PR 804; Rehder 1: 354; Tucker 1: 86.

21.391. Skandinaviens vdxtfamiljer i sammandrag framstallda ... Upsala (Wahlstrom & C.)
1846. Oct. (Skand. vdxtfam.).

PubL: 1846, p. [i-viii], [1]-100, folded table. Copy: NY. "

Doesnt really mean much to me I'm afraid...

Would really be interested in any info relating to this sort of thing. I find it quite fascinating ....

The whole lot cost about the equivalent of just under £2 .. :o

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