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Messages - leeham987

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:17:57 pm »
Thank you to you all for your replies! :)

I love it, so dont mind if it is a mourning brooch, I always like to know the history of things though :)

We have a lovely new teacup to, so could be back!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: December 30, 2013, 03:38:20 pm »
We thought it was maybe a mourning brooch? Or would it just be a decorative piece?   

Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: December 30, 2013, 01:29:02 pm »
Here are the pics...

Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: December 30, 2013, 01:26:35 pm »

we took some more pictures,  struggled to get ones of the side of the pin as it is an awkward angle! They are a little blurry, but have added them anyways :)

The brooches size is the size of a 50p piece and stands around 5 millemetres if it is on a flat surface, so fairly thick. We know it definitely isnt gold. The cross type decoration in the middle is black and shiny rather than being matt.

We struggled as the back is completely smooth and has no markings. Hope the side pics of the pin are okay, we tried for ages to get a good one! :)

Thanks in advance, look forward to hearing from you  all!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Before you ask for advice...
« on: December 29, 2013, 06:47:21 pm »

I feel bad too! We asked a question regarding my antique brooch that my fiancé Liam bought me for Christmas. I guess that we are included in not adding enough detail either. I have promised to take more photos, measure and describe more tomorrow  ;D

We have tried since christmas day to  find out what sort of brooch it is, but as there are no markings, we have hit a dead end! We know itis Victorian though, and honestly have researched :)

Apologies to anyone that our lack of knowledge has offended, and we are so grateful of  any help :) just a bit rubbish at explaining, we will get better! :) it is a site that we would love to carry on using.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: December 29, 2013, 06:36:53 pm »

Apologies for the lack of description, we are very new to sites like this, so didn't add as much detail as is needed. I'm going to measure the brooch etc. Tomorrow. Will also post a pic of the back pin as requested.

 From the other Victorian mourning brooches I have seen, the back looks very similar, but as I said we are new to this! We are a couple, and this was a Christmas present from my fiancé.  I love the Victorian era, and love to collect various pieces from that time, it's always lovely to find out what it is that I now own.

Thank you for the replies, you've all been  helpful. I will get back to you tomorrow, thanks in advance for the help. There are no markings on the back, so we have hit a dead end as we are unsure what to look for. Again, apologies for the lack of description and knowledge on our part! :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: victorian broach......
« on: December 28, 2013, 02:44:20 pm »

Thanks for the replies :)

The cross on the brooch is actually black..l think the light makes it look more blue on the picture. We cant seem to find an example of the cross type decoration anywhere.

With the cross being black,  this gave us the idea of it bring a mourning brooch maybe? Could also just be a decorative piece?

Antique Questions Forum / victorian broach......
« on: December 28, 2013, 09:38:59 am »

Just wondering if anyone knows the type of cross on this broach and its significance.

Wondering if a mourning broach aswel.

thankyou in advance

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