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Messages - umiumisumi

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I'm really torn on what to do with this icon... She is a family heirloom, but she is in very, very poor shape and I don't know if she can be fixed up (or if she could I'm not sure I have the funds to pay someone to do it.)  The Orthodox are very serious about their icons, and I'm seeking advice from more knowledgeable Orthodox on what I should do with her.  It may be more respectful to her to have her 'decommissioned' and respectfully disposed of as is custom for icons that are badly damaged.  I'll keep you all updated on what we end up doing with her.

I would agree that it does look coarse. I hadn't considered burlap as a substrate.

You know, I think she may be a version of the "Black Madonna":

That would make sense, because of the Polish connection.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.  I'll try to get a photo in natural light tomorrow, but it's hard to get a clear image without a big reflection because of the glass.  The frame is VERY well sealed, as far as I can tell.  Pretty darned sturdy.

The beaded portion is on canvas, but the faces seem to be recessed below the canvas portion, which reminds me of more modern Russian Orthodox style icons, so it is possible that the faces are painted onto something more solid.

I'm super scared to open the frame on my own...  I'm in northern CA, does anyone know of someplace/someone I could take this to to get it looked at?  Otherwise, we'll just put her someplace in our home that she's not going to spook out visitors. (She's been in my parents' garage for the last 30 years because she's just a little too creepy for them.  I'm in the process of becoming Orthodox, so I'm not as weirded out by old icons as they are....)

Here is a close-up showing the canvas or some other textile underneath.  Beads also visible.

Madonna's face

Hi!  Thank you all for taking a look at this for me.  Here's more photos, I'll try to post them in a larger format if I can.

There are definitely faces, everything painted looks either very oxidized or dirty...

The adornments appear to be beads and bows.  The frame is pretty well sealed with glass on the front.

I think I can only get 1 large pic per post, so here's a detail of the Child

It looks like plaster on canvas.

Hi all, I'm new here.

I just received a family heirloom that I would love to know more about and see if it can be restored at all. 

Here is the history that I know of this item:
My grandmother's family was Polish and Ukranian Catholic (My grandmother was born around 1915), and this item is supposed to be handed down to the oldest daughter in the family.  I don't believe they lived in Poland, as the family ended up as refugees in China after the Communist revolution, and so likely lived either in Russia or another Soviet-bloc state.  I had originally hoped that this was an Orthodox icon, but I think it looks more like a Catholic Madonna from what I've seen on the internet.
There is an inscription on the back which I have included a pic.  I had a Polish friend take a look at it, as my mom thinks it was written in Polish, but it is in Russian and reads as follows: "Restored by Hadzhi Met. 1955" and has a location in Switzerland.  The same thing appears to be written in Italian as well.

Anyhow, I would love any input about this item, or referrals to someone that may know more about this kind of item.

Pics are attachments to this post.  I can get closer/more pictures if anyone wants.

Thank you!

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