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Messages - Mastersmiz

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updated with more pics *

Antique Questions Forum / Anyone have any info on this antique cabinet?
« on: January 12, 2014, 04:35:40 pm »
Hi, I recently acquired this antique cabinet from a neighbor of mine who passed away. She had told me she paid a large amount of money for this a very long time ago and that it was seen in an old movie. I have no idea from what time period this cabinet is from or the maker of it. It has no markings on it indicating a brand or artist, if anyone has any information on this piece it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

*Thank you to everyone who took the time out to reply and give their input, I've updated the post with some more detailed pics, the bottom of the cabinet is made entirely of wood including the molding above the drawer, only the hardware is metal, I found some type of code inside the hinges labeled "F583" on all four of them as well. Im gonna post another pic of the inside of the cabinet either tonight or tomorrow as well I just have to empty it out to show all the details because right now it is full of stuff my parents crammed in it. I'm looking to most likely sell this cabinet for my parents who no longer want it in their home, but of course want to get it properly appraised first. If anyone can give me an idea of what this particular type of cabinet usually sells for it would help a lot, thanks.

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