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Messages - rustyzin

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Green bowl
« on: January 13, 2014, 06:16:59 pm »
Did you put a black light on it? I will check all my Vaseline glass books.

Pick this up today at the flea market. I liked the color and the shape, which I've seen done in Carnival Glass. It measures 7.5" at the widest point, 3.25 at the highest height, and 1.5" at the lowest height.

Am interested in maker, era, design, and possible value.

Thanks, in advance!

I have looked under the terms: Slung glass, pulled glass, art glass...and many I just can't remember (Geesh, I AM getting old!).  I haven't found anything close to this shape (low bowl with hand grip), but have found similar pea green colors.

As to value and maker, I really don't care. I like it, anyway. I only wanted the information to update my records.

Since starting collecting Carnival Glass, I keep a Word folder with the items' particulars: maker, pattern name, where and when bought for how much, how much it has sold for on the internet, and pics with dimensions.

Yup, I am a neat freak! LOL

Thanks for the link!

I typed the local name above "slung glass" slung is a Texas word !!  Try swung glass or stretch glass !!  I remember those bowls from the 60`s !!

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