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Messages - PeterPorky

Pages: [1]
So I have book entitled In The South Seas, by John Louis Stevenson. This was an apparent gift from Henry Heyman, a famous violinist, to a famous cellist and friend, Jean Gerardy.

So here's the summary of what would give it value:

-Old, fair condition book, from 1900
-Owned by Henry Heyman, famous Jewish violinist.
-Owned by Jean Gerardy, famous cellist
-Personal note from one famous person to another
-Signature from Henry Heyman
-Given as a gift of travel before Gerardy performed in Sydney later the next month, so has context of an historical event.

Some further background on the two:

Jean Gerardy, the distinguished young violoncello
virtuoso, sailed on Thursday, April 18th, on the
Oceanic steamship Ventura for Sydney, Australia,
where he intends giving a series of concerts. Re-
turning via San Francisco, Mr. Gerardy intends
giving some concerts in this city. During his stay
here, Mr. Gerardy was the guest of Henry Heyman.

Henry Heyman was a life-long resident of the San Francisco area and was appointed the concertmaster of the San Francisco Symphony in 1881. He received his knighthood from King Kalakaua of Hawaii in 1884 and afterwards insisted upon being referred to as "Sir." Heyman tirelessly promoted classical music in the community and, when great figures of music came to San Francisco, they were often hosted by Henry Heyman. He was close friends with Paderewski, Casals, Rachmaninov, and Saint-Saens, who dedicated his Elegie for violin and piano to Heyman. In the earthquake/fire of 1906, Heyman lost a lifetime of priceless musical memorabilia and instruments. Heyman died in 1924 with much honor for his accomplishments.

So I have no idea how pricing goes, how much would this go for?

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