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Messages - kristianl

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Identify Antique Silver Spoon
« on: April 13, 2014, 09:03:30 pm »
Hi there,
My name's Kristian. I recently found a silver spoon that was given to me as a baby by my god parents and I'd really like to find out some info about it.

The note attached to it says "The hallmark dates it as a George II made in Edinburgh in 1784."
I'd like to find out if it is true and also any other info if possible.

Here are some photos of it:
(Too big to attach, wouldn't let me embed either. You can see the full size image by clicking the little action button in the top right corner of the photo)

Thanks so much for any help! It's really cool to find out that you own something quite possibly over 200 years old!

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