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Messages - deweylikedonuts

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Antique Van Osdel Electric Hair Cutters
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:09:48 pm »
I came across some old hair clippers of my great grandfathers and can't find anything about them online. I'm hoping someone has some info on them. I'd love to know more about them and how much they may be worth. Not sure if I'd want to sell or not since they're so awesome.

I found a similar style clipper, Moore Brand, on EBay but it was just the motor with no clippers. The owner was asking $65 for them.

The label reads:
Brand: Van Osdel
Patent date: Nov. 11, 1919
Manufactured by: Blomfeldt & Rapp Co. Chicago, IL
Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company

Questions I'd love to have answers to:
Is this a rare brand since I can't find anything on them?
Were these high end type clippers?
Is there any other info on time frame other than the 1919 patent date?
What is their value?
And of course any other info someone may have.

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