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Messages - Schpaniel

Pages: [1]
Forgot to say Welcome to the group !!  If it were me, I would just keep it clean, polished and use it !! Its an antique for the future !!

Thanks!  Yeah, I have a fondness for it for sure.  So, I might do that.

Thanks for the info, folks!  I really appreciate that.

You're correct in that it's made of multiple boards.  Here are a few more photos showing that..

Also, as far as value, is this something I should consider restoring or leaving be?

Hi Everyone!

I'm Schpaniel out of NC and I've just recently got the itch for antique furniture.

Recently, I came across this chair in a thrift shop.  It was priced right, so I said "what the hey" and purchased it.

I haven't found anything similar online, so, here I am!  I do believe it is made of pine.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

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