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Messages - cerulian

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help needed - chinese vase (ming?)
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:03:58 am »
thanks guys, mat i will try and post it up at the forum you suggested. thanks for that!

Antique Questions Forum / Help needed - chinese vase (ming?)
« on: July 22, 2014, 01:12:48 am »
Hi guys i am new to the forum great to be here!

So a few years ago i got a hold of a vase, its been sitting in the cupboard ever since, then just recently an "antiques roadshow" style event came to the local library, they allowed you to bring one item in for identification and evaluation, so i thought why not!

Upon speaking to the valuation expert he seemed to think that this vase was from the "ming" dynasty 1660ish, he couldn't value it however it was one of hes favorite pieces. He suggested a antique shop to take it down to and get it looked at, although he did warn that its best if i do some research on the item and get an idea of its background, value, ect. Before i take it down. I have been looking around online for a few days now and it seems that there is such a variety of these vases that only someone with knowledge about these types of items would be able to tell the good apart from the bad, and its safe to say i am no expert ;D....

So i find myself here, hoping someone would be able to shed some light on this piece for me, and hopefully get a bit more of an understanding about this item.

thanks again!

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