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Messages - Laurenold

Pages: [1]
Hi mart

There was like a drop leaf table I will paste the link below

does the wardrobe look like a junk one to you? it just struck me that it was really beautiful and when i researched it must be late 1800's so fairly old too

wow ok, bit of a palava. Will try that. thanks

wow have the pics but unfamiliar with how to attach them to these messages, can you help?

yes certainly will do that now

Hi I have purchased a wardrobe which was made by the above mentioned cabinet makers. I have done a lot of research and Christies sold two pieces for £4,000 and someone also provided an online valuation for 3,500-4,000 for a drop leaf table by the same makers. can anyone provide a valuation for a wardrobe by these makers (1800's) thanks

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