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Messages - katml33

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: German pewter plate, can anyone help?
« on: August 01, 2014, 06:01:14 pm »
Thank you everyone for your help!

Antique Questions Forum / German pewter plate, can anyone help?
« on: July 27, 2014, 01:00:28 am »
I have this German plate that was my grandmothers. I have been researching info on it on and off since her death in 2001. So far I have come up with an approximate date of 18th century because of the angel symbol on back holding a sword and balance.

Here is the story she told me as a child:
Her and my grandfather used to go to Germany often for business, they traveled a lot for his work before I was born. They became close friends with a very wealthy couple in Germany named The Horns. They would stay at their mansion during their trips. She referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. Horn so I have no first names to search for them. She said Mrs. Horn would always buy things with the highest currency, like paying for everything with $100 bill even if something small like cigarettes. She'd always break a "hundred". Anyways, Mrs. Horn loved American cigarettes and my grandmother started to bring cartons with and gave them to Mrs. Horn. One time as a thank you, Mrs. Horn gave my grandmother this pewter plate and said if you ever need money, sell this plate. Also that it isn't the plate itself but because of the markings on the back.

So now I have this plate, and I am not interested in selling it but really would like an idea of it's history.

I have posted a picture, there are 3 symbols on back, all the same but took pic of clearest symbol. It looks like it says BLOCK ZINN HT.

If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.

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