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Messages - TNJChris

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
PeLady, iffen for a bicycle, the generator is also attached to the bicycle frame, ..... thus the frame is the ground.

Many vehicle and/or tractor lights are single wire ...... with the frame being the "ground".

Check your automobile, the negative (-) terminal of the battery is usually bolted directly to the metal frame.  ;D ;D

It did occur to me, but I wasn't certain about old time stuff. +1 Cogar.

My boy friend looked at this and had a few opinions:

Thinks it is military because the mount is so robust. Might attach to a pole or mount on a  vehicle.
Would probably be offset not a center mount.
Not a bicycle because
1. Only one wire and would not make the proper ground needed on a bike.
2. The rear facing red light would be blocked by the body and thus make no sense.

Just an opinion.

It actually has 2 leads not 1.

Here's what I'm starting to think...

From what I have seen most vintage lights that have a jewel type lens on the sides or rear have been German. I see them a lot on antique kerosene bicycle and motorcycle lamps. :)

No matter what I do to add pictures I get the error,

 Cannot access attachments upload path!


Hello again everyone! It's been too long for me. :)

I have an old headlight and I can't find another like it. I was hoping someone here may be able to help. It has a smooth clear lens that's about 3.5", a red diamond cut pattern (???) lens about 1" on the back, and it is electric. I started to wonder if it's an old tractor part rather than a car or motorcycle. Any thoughts?

I'm having problems posting photos, I'll try on a reply to this thread.

Thanks everyone!

I was told that it used to be an armoire before they turned it into a closet. Is isn't it fun when people that want your help but fail to tell you things like that from the beginning?  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Is this a Vitrine or Curio?
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:00:35 pm »
I don't have any history about the piece. I kinda got the impression it wasn't as old as it looked. I know the couple I got it from were handy people.
The backing is paper.

Antique Questions Forum / Is this a Vitrine or Curio?
« on: November 17, 2014, 11:21:44 am »
I can't seem to find a vitrine or curio that has a side cabinet like this one. I'm working on getting clearer photos. When I look at vintage or antique display cabinets I don't find any similar ones either. Is this a specific type of display cabinet?

Okay, going to take more detailed pictures today. Thanks!

I will have to take a second look to see if the shelves are original. Any suggestion on what style it would be considered?

Thx guys!

After some digging I came up with a Wardrobe, Armoire, Linen Closet. I think what I'm still trying to nail down is the style of furniture in general. I'm leaning towards Victorian. Any suggestions, possibly a price range. Sorry about the bad photography.

Mat or Daxu might know what your dagger is !!


I read somewhere that many Tanto daggers were traditionally given as a wedding gifts in Japan. After some more digging I came across this book on ebay that features similar daggers to the one I have but modern.

Apparently those were gifts for the bride...  ???

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