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Messages - Cygnet77

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Mystery classic style bronze(?) urn
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:12:31 pm »
Hi and thank you! I did scrape a bit on the bottom corner and you were right! A bit of silvery metal was underneath. It was also suspicious to find tiny tiny bubble impression on the handle (on 2nd pic) as if some chemical was used probably to artificially age it. Thank you for the great tip!!

Antique Questions Forum / Mystery classic style bronze(?) urn
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:16:30 pm »
Hi, first time poster here. I bought this smallish trophy urn yesterday at a local thrift shop because I liked its patina. There's no markings on it anywhere. I think it's bronze. It's fairly heavy and it has specks of turquoise color. They put price stickers on it and when I peeled them some of the rust color came off revealing more blue. It doesn't attract magnet so I know it's not iron. I think the spot where I touched turned darker from the oil in my finger. Does this sound like bronze? I like the mystery of it because it looks like it could've been made for pier 1  a week ago or it could be older but I have no idea. Let me know  anything that might be relevant.

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