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Messages - waderonnie

Pages: [1]
Attlee drive, temple hill, dartford,Kent.
Here are some of the signatures

Attlee drive dartford Kent.

I could find no link to my grandfather's home. All of the addresses are linked to London, drury lane where his copper and brass company was situated (A. McGlashan & Co ENGINEERS, BRASS FOUNDERS, COPPERSMITHS, &c,&c) some letters are addressed from Gray' s inn south square and some from Perth in Scotland. The vast majority are from the central London area.

He was a trade worker plasterer, plumber, brick layer and that kind of thing.

He had them in his possession,when he died I found them in his loft in a metal box that didn't have a key, I had to break into the box to see what was inside.

This is not my family history, and the photos I have shown are what my untrained eye thought looked most important. In this box also was hundreds of letters written from around two dozen different people. Detailed ledgers from expenses from work or general wares, journals, partnership deeds, baptism sheets, news paper clipping and it is all pretty much based on a man's life work (A. McGlashan) also there is a A. English and a Mr Mote names that surface a lot as well. It's not just a rabble of papers it is a very complex and detailed compilation of a life's work. I have not had this collection long and I'm just getting myself acquainted with what it all means. As I said the photos are a tiny fraction of what is here, it would take a month to show all that is here.

I have inherited my grandfather's collection he had been keeping in a large metal box that I didn't even know he had.

It is filled with a large collection of letters, account books, receipts, banking checks, deeds, diarys, penny red stamped letters and a whole lot more mostly it is all dated between 1829 to 1888. It's been locked in a metal box for God knows how long and is in a very good condition considering its age.

I am really not sure where to go with it from here. Maybe I need a appraisal maybe not I don't really know as I am no expert on this. But I do have a feeling the contents would be very valuable to a collector for this kind of thing.

Any help appreciated.

Photos here is just a fraction of what is in the box

I have inherited my grandfather's collection he had been keeping in a large metal box that I didn't even know he had.
All mainly surrounds a man by the name of A. McGlashan and his copper and brass works and all manner of engine components. A. McGlashan was dealing with very large sums of money up with checks in his name up to £5000, in today's money that is in the millions and really is something. There are a number of ledgers detailing all expenses paid including his general wares even down to the whiskey he brought each month from glenlivit distillery. There are hundreds of letter written to him by about two dozen different names and some written from him. There are cheque books with all the used checks accounted for, and unused cheque book. Deeds of partnerships. Tho is a very complex collection.
It is filled with a large collection of letters, account books, receipts, banking checks, deeds, diarys, penny red stamped letters and a whole lot more mostly it is all dated between 1829 to 1888. It's been locked in a metal box for God knows how long and is in a very good condition considering its age.

I am really not sure where to go with it from here. Maybe I need a appraisal maybe not I don't really know as I am no expert on this. But I do have a feeling the contents would be very valuable to a collector for this kind of thing.

Any help appreciated.

Photos here is just a fraction of what is in the box.

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