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Messages - mk87k

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Please Help: Long antique stamping rigs
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:53:14 pm »
More pics added.

here is a link to a ring that i found to be close to the three i have in my possession, with the difference being mine are much longer.

Antique Questions Forum / Please Help: Long antique stamping rigs
« on: October 22, 2014, 05:50:31 pm »
Hello Everyone- Thank you for taking a moment to help me out here.

I came in possession of these rings a few months ago and have been doing everything i can to get any sort of details, without any success.
I've looked everywhere i could and finally came across this forum and i'm really hoping I can get some help.
These belonged to my deceased grandmother and it would be amazing to find out a little about the rings to help me better understand the significance they had to my grand mother, if any that is!  ???

They have a blue stamping stone at the top, with what appears to be ancient monsters/animals.
on the ring itself each has hand carvings of what appeared to me of something similar to a loch ness monster at the bottom of each ring.

I appreciate all the help i can get, including simply being provided in the right direction of where to look online to find out more!

Thanks All

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