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Messages - gailbeth00

Pages: [1]
Sorry, I didn't get one yet, but obviously, yes, that would help.  Hopefully soon....thank you

Antique Questions Forum / Newbie here -- need info on a Benrose Carriage
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:02:28 am »
Hi.  My mother grudgingly 'inherited' a Benrose Carriage many years ago. (neither she nor her 2 sisters really wanted it - quite ornate/gaudy?).  My mom has to move and now my brother and I are fighting not to get it.  We have decided to see how much value it may have and then possibly sell it (if we figure out how to do it properly) and divide.

On the bottom, it says Benrose Italy 138 - C, it's in excellent condition, a rather large piece of porcelain that would do better w/ someone who would not only appreciate it, but have someplace to display it.

thanks for any help you can offer.  I don't have a picture at the moment, sorry, will do so as soon as I can.

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