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Messages - Dirk

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^^ WOW... I wouldn't mind neither

Well, at least the whole thing it pretty well crafted and a nice eyecatcher. I will think of it as an original replica ;) Thanks for your help!

Thanks for bringin my attention to the lamp shade... now look at this :( The glass has just been painted. You can see the paint coming off! I guess if beeing original the glass itself should have the colours inside of it...

okay :)

that would be about 150 USD. Took another image of the broken part (I guess, you meant the shade of that) This is the best image I can get with my cam. The natural colour is more greyish (as seen in the original post) than blue.

It is definitely not made of ceramic or plaster. the whole figure has a hollow feel and sound to it when being pinched. The bell where he lamp is attached to though seems to be made of metal though.
The broken part is lost, I just lighted the tip of the sharp leftover on the figure itself and it gave away this strong marzipan / plasticky smell. It is the same material as the rest of the figure. It then must be some kind of resin.

I just wonder if the price for it (120€) is okay and if there might be more of this model. I have absolutely no clue on model crafting but is it normal just making a matrix (you know what I mean :) for such a detailed model in order to give away just a few copies without any signature?

What I had on my mind: are there any hints for figurines like this having been mass produced in asia? (hope this does not seem to be too far fetched)

(don't get me wrong. i absolutely like this thing. but am also very curious about its possible origin)

Antique Questions Forum / Art Nouveau figurine (material/origin/price ?)
« on: December 08, 2014, 08:33:19 am »
Hello there,

I bought this Art Nouveau figurine/lamp for 120€ from a retired antique seller in Germany whom I visit for ambulatory care. He told me he had it in his home for at least 40 years but could not explain why it has the CE sign which only exists since 1985 on the lamp socket.
The figure itself looks well crafted but what concerns me is the material it is made of. I did some research and all Art Nouveau figures I can find are either made of bronze or spelter. This one is made of some kind of plastic that has been painted. It has a little broken part (see third image) where I put a lighter flame on and it smells distinctively like marzipan when burned. The figurine's socket though is pretty heavy (inside). There is (of course :) no signature on it.

I have been searching the net for Art Nouveau replicas but had no luck. Maybe someone knows when/where this figurine has been made, what kind of material might have been used and how much it might actually be worth.

(Today I got "very good" bottle of wine from the seller as a present. I just looked it up. It costs 1.29 €... and so it tastes :( hope this doesn't relate to the price of the figure)


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