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Messages - frank1492

Pages: [1]
Thank you all. Occasionally we have an item that stumps us. Will be sure to post again!

Thank you so much. I am doing database work for the Glocester Heritage Society in Chepachet, RI. The town historian who is extremely knowledgeable did not know the answer. She will be thrilled!
     I am sure I will post again on occasion. Again, thank you.
     Frank Pfeiffer
     Member, Glocester Heritage Society

Antique Questions Forum / Tool with Screw Tip, Concave Blade and Handle
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:28:58 pm »
See photo. Screw tip adjacent to small concave blade, shank and wood handle. 1800's maybe? 6-8 inch length.
Any ideas? Thanks. Frank.

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