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Messages - beachfront7

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i did some surgery and concluded there is no blade there.. to me this the metal was most likely used to attach the top part to the whole baton ..


Any other input here?  Thank you !!


I will do some exploratory surgery on the last item. ;)

The walking stick, I have now been told is military related (swagger stick?) and is either English or German and ww1/ww2 related if that helps.


Hello and thanks! Great forum.
I have recently come across 3 items I am trying to research and thought this might be the place.

The first 2 Images are an old sword that was purchased in Turkey
The second set of images seems to be an ivory military cane
and the 3rd set .. I have no clue..

Any feedback is appreciated and will answer any questions!

Sword .. no sharp at all, more decorative?

Walking Stick /Swagger Stick/  ?  Ivory with silver decorative band and a clinched fist

No clue what this is or what its purpose is...Not even sure if its supposed to come apart or if it has just broken off at that spot as there is split wood on the top part...

Again, thanks in advance for any feedback!

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