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Messages - ebayer

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EBay Forum / Re: I am just going to stop buying on eBay
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:09:45 am »
OK, Ebay issued a refund today, almost a month after i opened dispute thingy. This is another reason as a buyer, Amazon is so much better, it's centralized, you are actually buying from amazon, not the seller where on ebay, you are buying from the seller/vendor.

Although there are things I don't agree with Ebay on, like fees, charges, and one time I couldn't get my money cause someone in Australia bought an item from me and shipping had to be proved etc, 99% of my transactions are worry free. I've been ebaying since about 2001. One of my biggest complaints, good deals aren't like they used be on Ebay, and Amazon is no cheaper. My other complaint, sellers are asking $300 for a used backpack they claim they paid over $400, when the maker sells them for $350. China is ridiculous, I'll never get a good deal like at a garage sell I got a set of Castleton Corsage for $15. I feel like sellers(high volume) think there's a lot of rich people out there ready to fork over top dollar, when in most cases, "rich" people don't need the hassle and will support local business.

Good points of ebay, cheaper things, need a special gasket for a carb, a light control module for car, things AutoZone wants to charge $500, you can maybe cut them cost in half and be satisfied on Ebay provided you check feedback and do you homework for what you're buying and who from.

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