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Messages - Cast Ironhead

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Appologies for multiple posts > my photo bucket upload messed up on me... :'(

Found this the other day > Guy I bought it from ( cheap !!)  wasn't sure what it was for but we both figured Victorian risque piece of some sort.
After further investgating looks to me like  maybe early 1900's bisque  perfume bottle ( maybe out of a bordello??) definitely provocative  ;)

Saw some on line that were similar and had same sort of number marking on back > looks to be bisque ??
Anyone seen one similar ??

Thanks again

Antique Questions Forum / PATENTED 1873 COPY HOLDER
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:23:51 pm »
Thought this was a cool piece so wanted to share with you

It was being sold as a paper roll holder (?) but after researching found it was actually used by copyist's back when documents were copied by hand
There is a patent date on the brass knob
May 13 1873
I searched and found actual patent number > US138877

I have attached a copy of the patent as well .
Anyone seen one of these b4 ?
And yes, I did buy it ( couldn't resist ):)

I'm more interested  in figuring out the history of the foundry or name then what it it was used for ( though that would be a bonus) - I really don't see it being a " railroad item " however not an expert in that genre.
"....Your bootjack looks like typical bronze with the correct patina !!  I would advise against cleaning it more !!"
I would agree with this statement if it has indeed a nice looking patina for a antique bronze piece like either green or brown but black seems more like dirt an grease then an actual natural  patina.

This is a cleaner pic

Yep, that's it (I bought it ) however don't  believe  it's a boot jack as most of those or at least the ones I've seen / have are either wood or cast iron.  I did clean it up and it looks to me to be more of a golden hue then what I see on most bronze pieces.

Smaller u shaped piece 4": X 5""either bronze or Gold (??) Heavy ~2 or 3 lbs is also non-ferrous.
Can't find anything on the Internet when I search by that name.
 Please see uploaded pic ( I will try and upload some more )
Any help in identifying  would be much appreciated

Good call Rauville >
Found another pic on line after Googl'n "Antique decorative ironwork from a child's sled." and found this picture
Very similar ( Think ya nailed it !!! )

Angle of bolt holes are confusing me as well >
Thought it maybe some sort of "bag" holder

cast iron and painted red with black stripes.
It measures approx 4 3/4" long and is 3/4" wide.
Looks like either head of a dragon or sea serpent > Any help would be appreciated

One more picture ...

Antique Questions Forum / Hallmark Info Needed > Tobacco Cutter Blade
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:58:33 am »
Looks like the name on the blade is A. Burkinshaw who founded the Burkinshaw Knife Company Pepperell Mass in 1850's but the hallmarks don't match what I researched so think this may have been made prior too him starting his company (?)
My research shows that he came over to US from Sheffield Eng. where he was workig as a cutler / knife maker
Pictures show the two marks > one looks like a 6 sisded star and the other either crecent moon or perhaps abbrevi. "Cl"

Any thoughts ?

I have posted this piece there as well and yes there is interest for sure. Even the folks @ Roy Export S.A.S. who own the rights to Charlie Chaplin are intersted and said ( and I quote) " We would love to have it, but I would have absolutely no idea how much to offer you for it I'm afraid.."

 Just don't know what I should ask for it or where to start to figure a reasonable price :P

Good point
I researched the company a little more and found that
1. It was only in exsistence for 1 yr 1915-1916 which was the same time Chaplin and his brother Syd were living in Chicago making movies.

2. As far as I can find there was only one other person who was involved (ran) the company
So you never know(Charlie may have stamped the 1st certificate ceremoniously)

I found this cast iron, notary embosser and the stamp reads"Charles Chaplin Advertising Service Company Corporate Seal Illinois." ( pictures attached) The actual seal press I found / purchased was being sold as just a " Antique Notary Notarize Notory Public Cast Iron Tool Stamp Seal Logo Embosser" but when I read the description > "This is a metal, cast iron, notary embosser type tool. It works very very well, and when used, "stamped" it stamps, the following on paper: "Charles Chaplin Advertising Service Company Corporate Seal Illinois." As you can see if you will look at the pictures closely, this item has "B7-96" scratched on the side, and it also says, "Dwight & M&H Jackson Corporate Supplies." After reading the description I did some research / detective work > The stamp matches exactly to the one I found on a 1915 stock note that was on the charliechaplinarchi website plus the company who made or distributed the stamper is the same name as the company who provided stationary for Charles Chaplin Advertising Service Company The info and pictures of the stock certificate with the seal and the and the staionary company's reorder form were found @ UNDER THE HEADING Charles Chaplin Advertising Service Company - Certificate / Charles Chaplin Advertising Service Company | 1915 | Ca.


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