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Messages - Quantumk2

Pages: [1]
This is a first time posting, and yes I think there are a couple about this very piece.
Mine is in immaculate condition and I would like to sell it. I'm curious about how much to ask for it.

When I went to reply to the threads you posted I was advised to start a new thread due to the age of the old thread.
The two photos that were in that thread are poor quality and I couldn't open them after downloading, so I posted a photo for you to consider.

Thanks in Advance.


I have an old painting that has been floating around in my house since I received as payment for a debt. at least 20 years ago.

It is the painting from the Windsor Art Products division of Illinois Moulding Co.
The name on the back is "Spanish Galleon" it is a beautiful piece done by Edita (signed on the front). I have searched all over the net and could only come up with a possible last name of Spannerova born in 1919.

The art is very large. 36 x 40 in frame. It looks like very thick oil or a tar was use to give the work a substantial amount of relief and texture. I did find one photo on the net that looks similar in style and flavour called Silent Ships 01731-663 by the same firm (Windsor Art...)
I have attached a photo of the piece as well as the company sticker on the back.
it has no damage as far as I can see to the thick oil that this is done in.
On the back, the rear frame cover paper has a little tear where it nears the inside edge of the frame..

Is there any more information you could give me about this piece, the artist, Windsor Art Products, and the value perhaps?

Thank you in advance,

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