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Messages - Ichieh

Pages: [1]
I doubt museum would provide this kind of service, at least not the one near where i live.    Are there labs that can do that?

I did some research, and found out that the tibet monks will roll mantra or other blessed items and stuff them in the statue, as part of the consecration of buddha statues.   I wonder if the item i found was mantra on paper from 16th century

It is very delicate, for obvious reason i am afraid to open the scroll myself.   Would love suggestions how to handle this interesting antique scroll/paper

I recently acquired this 16th century tibet statue, and as i was handling it, i removed a wood block.  I found this paper wrapped with cotton/cloth material hid inside this small opening.   As i tried to remove it, i accidentaly tore a small piece out,  and saw some type of writing on the paper.    Any idea what it might be?   How should i proceed from here to find out what the writing is on the paper?

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