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Messages - fryman

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Thanks for the welcome! There's no documentation that I know of. The frame does seem to be made of plaster or a similar material. I don't know if the other mirror was sold as a matching pair with this one or not. Yeah, someone lived in the house after Al Capone and I think those people are who the mirror actually belonged to. The guy who owns this mirror said that his sister sold the other mirror many years back for $5,000. I really doubt she got that much, I think this guy is getting his facts mixed up. I just wanted to post it here and get some expert opinions about it so I can get back to the guy and let him know. So what would you guys value the mirror at just as it is, unconfirmed if it was in the mansion?

A friend of mine wants me to sell this mirror for him online. He says it came from Al Capone's mansion that's located near Miami beach. According to him his sister knows the current owners and they remodeled the mansion many years back and gave her two identical mirrors that they wanted to get rid of, one of which she kept and the other she gave to him. I've searched for old pictures of the inside of the mansion to see if this mirror was there but haven't been able to find anything. So I don't know if he knows what he's talking about but he swears that's where it's from. Any information about the mirror would be appreciated!

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