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Messages - saveandelain

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal/Glass Pigs?
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:15:41 pm »
In case anyone cares, it appears I have this figured out (thanks to the internets, not my work) appears to be this Steuben pig

(I hope this link is okay, it's a closed auction)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Crystal/Glass Pigs?
« on: May 12, 2015, 07:33:34 pm »
Am I seeing correctly that the top is clear (the pig) and the base/bottom is frosty/frosted?

No, that's my bad photography. It's a consistently clear glass, although maybe a little dusty. They were found in an attic. The "frosted" look may be coming from the angle, but it's really very clear throughout.

It is thicker at the base. It's shaped like if a pig got into the pro football hall of fame and this was the bust.

Antique Questions Forum / Crystal/Glass Pigs?
« on: May 12, 2015, 03:02:47 pm »
Hello, I found this forum via google, which was unhelpful with my question, so I hope you all can help (if so, this won't be my last question)

I acquired these crystal? glass pigs, and someone else who wanted them acted like they were pretty old and possibly valuable. I'm very skeptical but want to be sure. They are heavy, very solid glass and they are definitely pigs. The bigger one is 7 or 8 inches tall I guess (don't have them in front of me right now).

Can someone help me identify them? I can't even find a picture online of anything similar. 

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