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Messages - Firkinantiques

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Antique Questions Forum / A strange silver ring
« on: July 05, 2015, 01:18:51 pm »
Hello everyone!  I am so glad there is a place for a guy like me to talk to other Antique and collectible lovers.  Anyway, I have this ring from an estate sale... this was among a few others but for some reason this one feels "special" but hey...I could be very may be crap ;)

Here are some photos, it is certainly nice looking I just cannot seem to find out anything about it.  It turned red on a silver acid scratch test and it's marked on the inside "SM". 

The design is like a black rose if I had to guess. 

Does anyone have any insight?  If you can point me in the right direction, it would be awesome!  This thing is a mystery to me :)  Here are some big pics


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