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Messages - PeteP

Pages: [1]
Thanks for replies, especially Ipcress.

Once I added the word "sardine" I found another example, and yes, it was Masons. Knowing what it is helps me value it - not much given the damage and quality - and now I may find somebody who'll appreciate ending it. It was a cheap impulse buy so I'm not worried about making money on it.

Thanks again.

I have no idea why the photos have imported upside down. They looked fine on my computer and when I open them up from the link they are the right way up.

Hi. So here's my first unidentified item that I need help with. Hopefully this is a simple one for some of you.

I bought this on a whim because I thought I recognised the style based on some Royal Crown Derby dishes that I got in a job lot, but as it's a long way from my usual era and style I'm quite lost with is. I've done my usual Google searches but can't find one similar in pattern or shape, let alone identical. There is no stamp other than the couple of numbers (which were similar to my RCD hence my purchase), and the closest I've seen to the pattern was Madison Regency, but my item looks older and/or not as well finished.

The pattern is transfer with hand painted finishes.

The box is about 6x4", heavily crazed with well stained underglaze, the fish handle is missing the tail but still shows signs of some gilding. Overall it's not in good condition but I'd rather not throw it away just because I can't identify it or because it's damaged. At the very least I'd like to know what it is.

Any help in identifying it would be gratefully received. If I need to add more info I'll do my best to provide it.


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