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Messages - roomage

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I've been a bit unwell so haven't had chance to start the project. Will hopefully start next week so can let you know how it goes.

Sorry Pelady, should have given a little more info and mentioned that I am living in the Republic of Ireland. I just wanted a filing cabinet that was old and vintage so anything kind of pre-1970's I suppose. I'd rather get something with a bit of character and bring it back to life than just buying a naff looking new one. Plus, I've taken an antique approach with the rest of my office so wanted to have a matching theme. The rest is predominantly wood but I think a metal filing cabinet would go quite nicely if treated the right way. I actually ended up buying a set this morning from They are due in the next two days so I'll add a picture once they've arrived. The design is very similar to the picture I've just added so there are quite a lot of draws to clean-up and de-rust. The cabinet I've bought isn't as rusty though as the one in the picture and is slightly brighter in colour. I'm wondering whether I can achieve that dark brushed metal look like the one KC posted a link to. The top picture in the blog looks really cool and would blend nicely with the dark wood already in my office. The main component being a Victorian mahogany Partners desk.

Hey, I've just started setting up a small office and am now focusing on a filing cabinet to go with the desk and chair etc that I already have. I'm going for the antique look and I've seen some cool pictures of old antique metal filing cabinets that have been jazzed up and bought back to life giving a real vintage appeal. I was wondering two things really, does anyone know where I might be able to find an antique metal filing cabinet and also, are there any cool tips on how to treat/paint the metal to get that vintage look without it looking like a lump of rust?

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