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Messages - sunnyspain

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / CANDELABRAS - VALUE????
« on: September 12, 2007, 08:20:39 am »
Hi can anyone tell me what they think a pair of brass candelabras may be worth or where they're from, french, English???  They are both around 30cm tall & both hold 3 candles.  They appear to be of Adam & eve (?), guessing at this because there's a snake at the bottom of each of the sitting figures, one has a female chest & the other doesn't - that's the only difference to the figures other than in one hand the "Adam" appear to have hold of a flower/leaf(?) which is larger than the one "eve" is holding.  There appears to be rough animal shapes on the stem & the bottom of the candelabras have 3 feet each.  There are screws holding the candle holders to the branches of the item & a screw in the back of the piece (which again is very floral/leafy) to the figure.  I shall try and attach some photos later.  The back of these pieces seems to have a velvety feel & duller than the base if this helps. There are no markings that I can find.  They are very heavy & solid.

Antique Questions Forum / Boucher tapestries
« on: September 12, 2007, 08:11:41 am »
I have two large tapestries based on Francois Boucher's The Salon & Society in the Park, both are in excellent condition & around 1.5m long & 70cm wide.  They were left to me & all I know is that they were bought around 50 years ago in th UK for around £400 for the pair...any ideas what they're worth now?  There are no markings on them at all..please help!

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