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Messages - snoopy666

Pages: [1] 2
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help to identify this Man
« on: November 05, 2016, 02:44:25 pm »
Hi no dates on the stamps

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help to identify this Man
« on: November 05, 2016, 11:53:32 am »
Sunday times,Sunday telegraph

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help to identify this Man
« on: November 04, 2016, 03:34:47 pm »
Hi yes he is
There are a couple of photos of him with instruments.
The arrest photo is interesting and shows him with two British Cops i think,as all the photos of him were taken in the UK by different newspapers as i have the newspaper stamps on the back of the photos

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help to identify this Man
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:48:15 am »
another picture of him

Antique Questions Forum / Help to identify this Man
« on: November 04, 2016, 11:45:00 am »
Hi from London Uk
I recently found a bunch of pics of this guy.They all are press photos taken around 1960 of him.
There is one which seems like he is being detained by police and walking with them,and the others are later ones when hes older.
Can anyone put a face to name...
ps no hes not Castro as someone mentioned over here..but does look similar in the bearded arrest photo

Antique Questions Forum / Re: help identify these german etchings
« on: October 11, 2016, 05:13:02 am »
Hello from UK
thanks for all input and help.
There are two etchings that are similar but i have included  the one full size and the signature from the other up close as its the signatures am trying to identify.

wine selection international  GMBH written at bottom
schloss vollrads wine estate etching numbered 166/200
The Wehlener Sonnenuhr vineyard numbered 143/200

this i know so far so its only the artist i cant read properly
i got these in London UK from a charity shop

Antique Questions Forum / Re: help identify these german etchings
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:09:50 pm »
Hi yes i did notice the Initials hidden in the etching looks like T and  A

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help to identify this print on metal sheet
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:07:40 pm »
Hi Pelady
yes i had posted it a while ago just trying again
seems a mystery this one
thanks for all your previous help

Antique Questions Forum / help identify these german etchings
« on: October 10, 2016, 09:13:47 am »
Hi everyone
I have these two etchings of german vineyards numbered in edition
I cannot find out who the artist is as i simpy cannot read the signature
any help appreciated

Antique Questions Forum / Help to identify this print on metal sheet
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:46:37 am »
Hello from London UK
I Have had this rather macabre print which has been done on a metal sheet.It is limited edition 2/20 and signed by someone.

So far all we have found out is that it could be german or dutch as the words Gerucht means justice or similar.
I have taken it to auction dealers and others but as of yet nobody can pinpoint who the artist is and where its from.
There is a lot of detail and some bizarre macabre drawings in minute detail.
Can anyone out there shed some light on this piece?
thank you in advance from grey old London

Antique Questions Forum / Please help with this chinese translation
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:38:45 am »
Hello from London UK
I recently bought this Chinese opium pillow at  a market and would like to know what the words say on each end.I presume this is Chinese please correct me if i am wrong.
I believe it to be a lacquer made opium den pillow or travel pillow.
I hope the translation can help me with to possibly date it aswell
all help highly appreciated

Pelady i forgot its on a metal/aluminium sheet of some sort

you are good indeed]only today did i see the hidden word on left bottom corner,it plays tricks with the mind as it could easy be dismissed as just the pattern in the strokes...but it could also be a name.
You right about all the characters..can i add that if you look at all the faces of characters they have an oriental look and some have chinese/japanese style hats on which makes me think it could possibly be  from Japan Or China

Geracht means avenger or avenge in German,someone else told me another word Justice from their translation.I think justice might be a closer lead but again just a guess.
About the 1920 part yes could be,also  the style of writing in signature seems the way antique writing was often very straight and hard to read..
anyway the mystery continues...thanks for all your help

here is the close up of the signatures

Hello print  dimensions are 33 cm across 43 cm down,metal sheet 43/53

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