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Messages - Rhonda

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Antique sewing machine
« on: December 15, 2020, 12:31:09 am »
Hello. I'm new here and have no idea how things are done so I'm just jumping in. I have an antique sewing machine I'm trying to identify. It has no name on it like "singer". It's a cabinet one with 3 drawers on each side. It does say Old Reliable on the actual machine. There's a number on it- 5127947 I think, it's hard to read.  It has a little plate that says Mason &son mfg. Co. And I looked up that but the only result I found said that was the company that made the, oh geez, it wasn't the maker of the actual machine anyway. I'm very tired right now so my head is kinda foggy, lol. I have looked at so many pictures of machines and I'm growing impatient can anyone help me? This is all new to me.

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