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EBay Forum / Re: Is sports betting a scam?
« on: February 06, 2023, 04:06:56 am »
According to the golf grips website: People who are against sports betting are often those who don't understand it. And the most commonly voiced complaint is that it's a scam.

Sports betting is not a scam, nor does it need to be. It's simply a business, like any other.

The real reason for the anti-sports betting sentiment is that there are people who benefit from it but don't want to admit that they do. They want to pretend that the games they watch on TV or play on their computer are somehow more important than sports betting. And they're willing to lie about it in order to make their case.

But if you take a step back and look at what's really going on here, you can see why these people are so upset by this new development in our society: Sports betting has become an incredibly popular way for people to enjoy their favorite games without having to actually go out and pay money for them!

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