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Messages - ayoneprod

Pages: [1]
EBay Forum / Approaches for Overcoming a Gaming Dependency
« on: January 22, 2024, 02:55:49 pm »
Dear forum members, I extend a heartfelt welcome to each of you. Since my early years, I've harbored a profound passion for various games, immersing myself as a committed gambler. Engaging in discussions, placing sports bets, and, frankly, diverting funds intended for my education shaped my youth. To be plain, I've been fortunate for the majority of my life, consistently emerging unscathed or ahead. The potential dangers of my gaming habits and the bitterness of defeat never crossed my mind.

However, life took an unexpected turn at a gambling table, resulting in debts and the liquidation of almost all my possessions, with my old Peugeot being the sole exception, during my separation from my wife. Currently, I find myself leasing a hotel, witnessing the gradual depletion of my funds. Reflecting on my choices stirs inner turmoil, and what's even more unsettling is acknowledging that I could have chosen a different path to break free from these destructive habits. Eager to move forward, I would appreciate hearing from those who share similar experiences and receiving advice on how to progress. Thank you in advance, and I strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when engaging in gambling activities.

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