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Messages - RonniRenee

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / High-backed dry sink?
« on: December 21, 2007, 09:20:37 am »
Years ago, my mother was given an old high-backed dry sink. It has three doors in the bottom, a nice little workspace next to the sink, and a shelf above the backsplash. There is no liner in the sink. What makes us curious about this piece is that it has a matching second piece above the dry sink. It looks to me like maybe a pie safe that is designed to be mounted to the wall above the sink's shelf. It has a shelf the same width and depth as the sink's shelf, and immediately above that are three doors fronted with some old wire mesh-type panels. Inside is another shelf. We are wondering if anyone can shed some light on this set. We're assuming it's hand-made, because it has the initials B.F.L. carved into the corner on one side. Not sure what the wood it, but it's very dark. This is in excellent condition- with some minor wear on the work surface. We're wondering how this set is supposed to be set up, and if the top unit is indeed a pie safe. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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