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Messages - Grell

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Kalamazoo Guitar
« on: February 08, 2004, 03:25:39 pm »
My fathers mother bought a used Kalamazoo when she was a kid.  I have it now.  I know it is older than 1930.  It is a 6 string F-hole guitar.  If anyone could help me ID this I would appreciate it.  E-mail me if you would like a pic of it.

Antique Questions Forum / Violin
« on: January 31, 2004, 08:23:55 pm »
I have a violin. It says clearly that it is a copy. The label inside reads as follows............ . "copy"
       Antonius Straduarius Cremona
             Faciebat Anno 1715    (15 looks penciled in)
           Harmony Chicago USA
It also has a picture on the label of a person in robe playing a harp.

It's not that I want to sell it.. just find out it's history.
If anyone could help me I would appreciate it.

Can send pictures.

Pages: [1]