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Messages - saphyre

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There is nothing special about the frame. It was shoddily placed in a cheap frame. I bought it anyhow, just because I like it.
My big gold star goes to the Jan Brink painting that I got. I am so excited about it. It's actually oil painted on a huge sheet of porcelain. The frame has writing in pencil (artists' signature again with a date and something I can't quite make out). There is minor damage to the paint, a bit of flaking here and there. It actually looks intentional in some spots(window)...The really neat thing about this is that the artist used his fingers to make smoke billowing from the pot in the hearth. His fingerprints are clearly visible.

I'm going back today to investigate more and I'll take more pics. If it IS a real F W Benson painting, I'd be beyond shocked. (Wishful thinking that I'd be that person at the end of Antique Roadshow with the whopper!). In any event, the painting is about $300, oil on canvas, and looks old. I think it's an interesting painting, my husband thinks 'amateur-ish' .
By the way, there was also a Jan Brink oil on canvas there that REALLY looks authentic, signatures are a match, paining looks really old, appropriate subjects. Asking $275. I just saw a similiar one listed on Ebay for $1800.00. Could I be that lucky?

It's at an antique shop in MA. Sorry, I don't have any other info, just the pictures.

Hi All,
I came across this oil painting and was wondering if anyone could provide some insight on it. The painter is Benson. I did a search and came across Frank W not very similar and could not match signature.
Any info would be very much appreciated :)
Photos included.
*Sorry, updated with correct artist I found info on = Frank Watson Benson.....

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Flemish/Dutch Cabinet
« on: February 18, 2009, 04:53:29 am »
Thanks for the reply. Initially the piece was really worn and tattered. I paid to have it restored and this is the outcome. The antique shop owner knew little about it except that it had been shipped to his store from England and was of the Dutch style of the 18th century. Your response about the glass is interesting. The glass would date it to be later.
Thanks again.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Flemish/Dutch Cabinet
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:52:06 am »
I posted this message a while ago and never got any responses. I am still interested in learning about the piece.

Figured I'd try to repost and see if anyone out there has any input....

Thanks :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antiques that I have from mother-in-law p2
« on: September 10, 2008, 02:01:30 pm »
Are the statues signed "Bruchon" ? They look like bronze sculptures by the French artist, Emile Bruchon. Late 19th century.
I've seen them sell anywhere from $200.00-$500.00 each.

Antique Questions Forum / Flemish/Dutch Cabinet
« on: February 20, 2008, 06:09:59 pm »
I recently purchased a Flemish/Dutch cabinet and I was wondering if anyone could provide some information on the history/value of the piece? I have done a search online and have not been able to find anything quite like it. So far, I have read that it may be called a "Kas". May be from the 17th century. May be called "baroque" style of furniture. I have included a few links to photos and would appreciate any information you may have.
Thanks  :)
(I've attached 2 snapshots here, all of the photos are at the following site:

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