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Messages - jfmike

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Trying to sell Antique Furniture
« on: February 21, 2008, 01:26:28 pm »
Hello everyone. I've inherited a full Antique Louis XV Bedroom set and am trying to find a way to sell it. I've done my research and have found about how much it should be worth (although I know it's only worth what someone will pay for it) and have put it on ebay, craigslist, talked to everyone I know, and no one seems to be too interested. I've only had 1 watcher on ebay who contacted me once but never replied to my response. Is there somewhere that I don't know about that would be a good place to try and sell this? It's quite nice, never been refurnished, totally original and in great condition. I didn't think it would be this hard :(.

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