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Messages - DKimbell

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Antique Questions Forum / Need help dating iron stove
« on: February 25, 2008, 08:13:12 am »
Greetings, I am trying to date an iron stove. I have the door. It is 14" by 17" and has a protruding "lip" on the upper edge. It reads in raised letters "Chattanooga Stove Works, Chattanooga Tenn" . On the back are the numbers 618 or 818 possibly preceeded by one or two illegible figures. Found next to it is what I believe to be a foot to the stove. It is concave and heart-shaped. I have been able to date Chattanooga Stove "Company" to around 1890 and hopefully date this door further back. It was found on an old homesite I believe to belong to my ancestors between 1840 and 1855. I can provide a photo if necessary. Thank you for any help. Donald Kimbell

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