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Messages - pasthence

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Hidden Treasure?!
« on: March 05, 2008, 01:46:56 pm »
Furniture is not my area, but that does look like a quality piece that needs to get out of that garage!  It is a buffet/china cabinet, not a dresser, and they recently had one similar on Antiques Roadshow, so maybe check out their website.  Check the wood in the areas that you don't see, like braces under shelves and the shelves behind the doors, they should be of a different, lesser quality wood than the rest of the piece.  It may have been made in the US by Germans who settled here in the 1800s.  The show I saw was San Antonio, within the last month or so, and they said there were a lot of Germans settling in that area in the 19th century.  You can also check how the corners/angles where the wood pieces meet, like at the shelves, are constructed, they should have an interlocking join kind of like a puzzle piece (but not shaped like one!), and not just be held together by nails, and definitely not phillips head screws!  The one on AR was much more elaborately carved and was in terrific shape from being taken well care of, and I am sorry I don't remember the value, but if I had to guess, that one was about $8,000, but that show always uses the best pieces.

Hi, I was just checking this site out to see what I could learn, and to my surprise the first post I see is one I can (semi) answer!  So I am now a member.   ;D  I can't give you the value or anything specifically about Kendall's, but I am pretty sure it was an old linament used on horses to treat bone or bog spavin, which is swelling in the hock joint that can lead to lameness.  Unfortunately the linament probably wasn't very effective because these days we know that a spavin is just a symptom of some other problem like poor conformation and is mainly treated with hydrocortisone injections.   But people used to use linaments like we use body lotion!   :D  So if you are trying to sell it, I would check out the veterinary antique market for more value related answers.

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