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Messages - sarge197

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: WWII Items and Apollo 11 Pics
« on: April 05, 2008, 11:25:52 pm »
I have a 40mm dummy round and it looks like yours.  However, mine is clearly marked "Dummy" and the brass case has several holes cleanly drilled in it to prove the case does not contain powder/propellant.  Just a suggestion, but if yours is not marked "Dummy" and/or is in one piece, I would recommend being very careful with it as it may still be live.  No offense intended, but I have encountered live military munitions many times in my career and they can be dangerous.

I think the other items would have some value to a collector.


I have no idea about the violin, but I did a little research on the shotgun.

According to, the Hopkins and Allen Arms company took over the Forehand name in 1903 and continued until about 1915.  You most likely have a single-shot hammerless shotgun called a "Forehand."  Another website, www.gundersonmilita lists a shotgun that sounds very similar to yours.  It has photos and lists a price of $175.00. 

Gun values are very difficult to determine.  It really does take an expert and a physical examination to get an accurate value.  I suppose yours could be worth more, but it would take a firearms appraiser to tell you for certain. Many guns are highly valued because of their uniqueness, their manufacturer, or limited production.  I've never heard of this company before, so I don't know if the gun you have has any of these traits.

Good luck!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Please help identify this item
« on: March 31, 2008, 01:05:28 pm »
Someone I spoke to locally said the same thing.  That's two votes for milk strainer!  Thanks for your input!


Antique Questions Forum / Please help identify this item
« on: March 30, 2008, 05:11:45 pm »
Hi all,

The item in the attached photos was found in the garage of a 102 year old home my brother recently bought.  It looks like a cross between a large funnel, a colander, and a flour sifter.  It has a single handle on the outside of the largest section of the "funnel" and the only marking is on that handle.  It is marked "ATLANTIC" with the first A and the C being larger than the other letters.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


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