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Messages - ukbesthelper

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EBay Forum / UK universities = ebay sellers school
« on: April 16, 2008, 05:16:09 am »
The reputation of the universities in UK is no longer at the top of the world and in fact our academic excellence can no longer be maintained.
In the recent 5 years many Asians are coming to UK.
They claim themselves as a student by holding a student visa of UK, being a student of a university in UK.
But they are not the true students at all.
What they are doing is just doing business (e.g. eBay), but not studying.

Having a student visa ensures that they can stay in UK for at least a few years.
Of course they need to pay a certain amount for their offer, but does it mean that we can turn a blind eye on their breach of the visa to do business?
We are supposed to offer them quality education, not to spoil them by letting them do what they want.
It is certainly illegal as they are supposed as students only, nothing else; and it's harmful to our economy too.
They can import some goods which is really cheap in their home country (e.g. counterfeit mobile phone battery) and sell them in UK, and the profit can be thousands of pounds a month.

Just take a look at the mobile phone accessory section of the UK eBay website, and you'll discover that from 2003-2008, there're many sellers selling these products at a very competitive price, far lower than the retail price in UK.

Their identity and nationality can be identified by their English writing style, address, etc. Nowadays many Chinese and Malaysian know that they can be rich by being a student in UK.
They always choose Newcastle or London as their base- convenient locations of post offices and they're omnipresent, have 2 universities, and most importantly, it's near the airport.
It has nothing to deal with tertiary studying.

I believe some strict measures should be taken to suppress this trend.
Universities should not allow them to store their piles of stock in the residential hall anymore.
Universities can cooperate with the government to check whether those are really students, or they're businessmen in disguise?

This is nothing to deal with racial discrimination, but Asians are really performing in this way now.
The consequences are horrible too.
We cannot know neither where does their capital come from, nor the quality of the products sold.
Those products can be used as the carriers of illegal drugs too, which provides another way for criminals to make some profit.

Through top-ranking tertiary education, we have nurtured many excellent scientists, doctors, etc. But now criminals are on the list too.
Should we grant them an offer for their money only?
It's the time for us to do something.

EBay Forum / UK eBay will surely become “clean” again.
« on: April 12, 2008, 08:57:32 am »
Since 2003, there’s a weird phenomenon prevailing in UK.
There’re many Asian people, including Chinese, Malaysian and Indonesian, applying for a visiting visa or a student visa for UK.
Instead of merely visiting and studying in UK, they are in fact doing business in UK, mainly through eBay.

They purchase some goods which are really cheap from mainland China and resell it in UK.
These goods include counterfeit mobile phone battery and CDs.
This severely harms the economy of the UK as they eventually will take all their profit as well as the capital back to their home country.
Another major activity people use eBay is that they can buy goods using money earned in an illegal way before on eBay and resell them so as to hinder the evidence of being illegal.

As their bank accounts involve frequent monetary transfer every day, the bank usually grants them a loan on request.
But they'll then take the money they borrowed and leave UK.
I am confident that the above phenomenon is still prevailing.
Just check the accounts of eBay users of UK.
Most of them run their business since 2003 and the average turnover per day can be around 300 items when it reached its maximum.
If they have a profit of 1 pound per item, then they'll have 300 pounds of profit per day without being bordered by the tax burden as they're visitors or students only.

This certainly harms the UK economy as they contribute nothing to UK economy or welfare.
This lenient immigration policy leads to the born of many Malaysian or Chinese millionaires.
The amount of flow of capital is unlimited.
What's the most ridiculous is that they can extend their visa by just temporarily leaving UK every 6 months.
Some "students" apply the student visa simply because they want a lawful excuse to stay in UK.
They are of course just businessmen.
I believe there should be a proper legal system that processes every application of businessmen to enter UK although they come to support the UK economy.

You can click onto the mobile phone accessories category of the eBay site of UK and you'll find out that most of the sellers having >5000 feedbacks are actually students and visitors, who are not supposed to be involved in commercial activities.
It seems to me that the UK government is spoiling them.
It's not something strange for a student to send out a few items every week for personal reasons, but how about one sending out 300 items per day?
Just imagine the profits they can earn.
The post office should notice about that already, but it seems to me that they just want to sell more stamps.
I believe universities should be aware of the fact that they are doing business as they move stocks on a regular (daily) basis.
I think it's the time for the related authorities to take some actions.
Some simple measures will do.

For example, why don't the officers of the post office ask for some proof of identity to those frequently sends out bulk packages?
Or if they notice that there're always bulk packages sent from a certain address they can ask for details.
If no actions are taken, then UK will simply become the paradise for those criminals who continuously harm the UK economy.

As everybody knows, taxes and bills are paid regularly by those shops along streets. Online business poses a certain harm to them and it seems to be unavoidable.
But what's intolerable is that those who are not supposed to be involved in the UK online business are making profit and threatening the life of local people.
As those Asian people thinks that it's ok for them to run their business in this way since they've never been caught for this reason, more and more people come to our country and perform in this way.
The consequences are hazardous as a layman can imagine.

Ebay's regulations on the identity of sellers are really loose that they can control one account by different people.
That means if one's visa expires and has to leave UK, there's still someone taking over it.
These people can be anyone, including criminals or illegal immigrants.
I would suggest eBay should try to verify the true identity of account users on a regular basis.
Or eBay can request those doing business in UK to provide the identity over years and answer the prolonged doubt on them: are you really a qualified British or businessman in the past years you've stayed in UK?
This is also an issue on current UK eBay system - the officers of eBay are not logical at all.
They only rely on the number of feedbacks as the only measure to judge whether the seller is trustworthy or not, doing nothing on their true identity.

Ebay's control on the quality of the goods sold is far from satisfaction too.
Can you believe that a piece of Sony Ericsson's authentic mobile phone battery just costs 3 pounds on eBay which costs 20 pounds in UK retailers?
The quality of these cheap products is questionable.
What makes the matter worse is that some illegal goods can be embedded in those products,
e.g. drugs. Of course it's impossible for these to pass the customs, but it's OK for them to just send them within the UK territory.
It's high time we had to do something to stop this kind of business.
Another major concern is the UK's regulation on visas and immigrations.
I believe some changes should be made as soon as possible so that our economy will not be eroded furtherer. For example, the student and visiting visa should contain some elements specifying that they cannot be involved in any business activities or their visa will be cancelled.

Before the implementation of any changes in the content of law some immediate actions should be taken as it takes some time for those laws to be debated and changed.
Ebay can suspend those accounts controlled by those not qualified to do business in UK, or taxes can be added on those eBay sellers.
I sincerely believe that with our commitment on eliminating these criminals, UK will surely become “clean” again.

EBay Forum / UK eBay makes your dreams come true
« on: April 12, 2008, 08:56:55 am »
Internet is the best stage for those dream-chasers.
You can do everything you want. Want to be rich?
Just follow some simple steps and your dreams come true.

The legal system of UK is a flawed one which is really lenient.
And you can apply a student or visiting visa easily.
Then find a share house or any kind of offices which is near a post office.
The ideal locations are Newcastle and London, which is closest to the airport and the delivery can be made ASAP.

Get eBay accounts now.
Remember you must have multiple accounts.
You should get one account only on each computer and different sets of personal data should be used so that you'll not be identified to be a holder of multiple accounts

(In case one of your accounts are in trouble and suspended due to any reason, it's very hard for you to get a new one immediately and this is related to the working attitude of UK eBay and will be discussed later).

Get a savings account from a bank and a PayPal account too.
Then you can start your business right now.
You now should try to purchase some goods at a low cost.
Don't worry, it's not that hard.
Many sellers on eBay are purchasing cheap mobile phone accessories from mainland China.

Don't care about whether it's authentic or not.
Our customs do not even know how to distinguish between the authentic and fake ones.
Any mobile phone batteries or earphones or crystal hard case or something else will do.
A certain item which costs 1-2 yen can sell at 4-5 pounds in UK!
The profit of selling one item is not so much, but how about 500 items a day?

The net profit per day is huge.
You need not pay any tax.
Post offices don't care about what you're doing, but they care only about the selling of stamps and you need not worry about being doubted.
The profit you make can be sent back to your home country completely. If you sell diverse type of items on different accounts, you'll be rich definitely.
Maybe you are worrying about the issue on your visas.
But that's a piece of cake indeed.
If you want to extend your visiting visa, just leave UK for a few days and back to UK, and your visiting visa will be extended for a half year automatically.
A student visa ensures that you can stay in UK for a few years.

Want to run your business even longer?
Just find a partner who is a UK resident.
Then you can control the eBay account at your home country, while your partner can help you with the wholesaling of the goods from you.
Imagine a Chinese can have a profit of one pound per item.
If he or she can sell 300 items a day, then profit of 9000 pounds can be made each month, which is comparable to the income of him or her for at least half a year in China.
As you can withdraw the money from your PayPal account to any accounts of you around the world, you can make profits and get back all of them!

It is true that there're some mafias in eBay.
They try to be the monopoly by gaining more and more feedbacks, and some of them have millions of feedbacks, shoeing that they're the one.
If your selling price is of a higher competitive power, they will kick you out by various justifiable means.
They know clearly about the rules and regulations of eBay, as well as the legal system in UK.
On eBay, they can simple complain you and lower your reputation on eBay.

What we can do is that we should never sell items at a very low price, and we should not use photos and descriptions of other sellers. As we don't cause them trouble, we'll be free from trouble too.
This always happen in the business world and not something unique on eBay.
As mentioned before,
UK buyers only interest in the number of feedbacks of the seller,
not the quality of the products they sell.
And concerning the quality of goods, no one can make effective complaints to eBay.
The customers can only express their discontent by giving a negative feedback.

UK EBay is the least reliable online business system at all.
Their officers rarely deal with complaints.
They've undergone little training and it's very hard for them to distinguish between the authentic and the fake ones.
Once I saw that a 20 pound mobile phone battery costs only 2 pounds on eBay and I expressed my concern to the UK eBay.
Their promise that they'll deal with it within 2 days, but there're no responses actually.
This demonstrates their laziness and incapability to cope with serious legal issues.

What drives me crazy is that an officer replies me on the phone about those concerns I raised above, saying that they simply cannot interfere too much as there're too many eBay users.
In fact that's correct. Without those users around the world, the organization will no longer be profitable.
For the sake of their income, UK eBay turns a blind eye to questionable items being sold.

Up to now you may doubt that why their identity have still not been revealed (as they're students/ visitors who cannot do business in UK)?
You can take a look at various eBay sections.
Take mobile phone accessories as an example.
You can see that the writing style of English is definitely not the original British one, and it's very close to the Asian one.
You may also check the IP address of the sellers as they reply your question.

Those IP may not be in UK too, which shows that they can continue with their business in UK even in their hometown or somewhere else.
For the UK eBay, what's the most important is that you regularly pay the membership fee to them and obey the written rules.
They simply don't care your action afterwards.
It's OK even if you leave UK afterwards as you can still run it by cooperating with those staying in UK (e.g. students).
the more the feedbacks you get, the more secure your business is.
Just make sure you deliver the orders on time and everything's fine.

The quality of your goods should be up to a level that the customers cannot distinguish between the real and the fake ones.
For example, it's absolutely legally justifiable if I sell a counterfeit battery without stating that it is the original product from Sony Ericsson.
A few final remainders for you: make sure that the buyers are satisfactory.
It's easy to achieve.

Just get a nice package for your goods, deliver them on time and make sure they receive them. And bear in mind that racial discrimination exists in UK eBay.
The original local British sellers and sellers with very high number of feedbacks are protected officially in UK eBay.
If you do not belong to any one of these two classes, then you should be careful with that.
Hinder your identity as an Asian, African and so on (if you are) by using an IP address in UK (which can be done outside UK by your partners) when necessary.

Mind your writing style in English too.
It need not be flawless in terms of grammar, just talk in the British way.
Last but not least, make sure you have multiple UK eBay accounts to avoid you business being delayed.

Why hesitate? Join eBay in UK right now!!!

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